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Crowe Clark Whitehall West Midlands Branch has recently nominated the Michael Lewis Foundation as their charity of choice for the next twelve months. The accountancy firm has a wide range of clients, including large corporations and individuals. Throughout the next year, they will be hosting several charity fundraising events, with all proceeds going directly to the Michael Lewis Foundation.

The Michael Lewis Foundation was established to raise awareness and support for those living with Type 1 Diabetes and their families while promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. Through events like the Cheshire Triathlon, the Michael Lewis Foundation Golf Day, and the 3 Peaks Challenge, the foundation aims to raise funds for research towards finding a cure. They seek to inspire individuals and organizations alike to join their cause and make a difference in the lives of those affected by this condition.

The foundation is deeply honoured and grateful to have been chosen as the charity of choice for Crowe Clark Whitehall West Midlands Branch. This partnership will help to raise much-needed funds and awareness for Type 1 Diabetes and the foundation’s mission.

The team at Crowe Clark Whitehall West Midlands Branch is excited to support the foundation and its efforts towards finding a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. They have planned several charity fundraising events throughout the next year, and the proceeds from these events will go directly to the Michael Lewis Foundation.

The Michael Lewis Foundation encourages everyone to join their cause and support their mission. Every contribution counts, whether it’s through volunteering, fundraising, or simply spreading awareness. Let us all #LIVELIKEMIKE and work towards a brighter future.

The foundation is thrilled to have the support of Crowe Clark Whitehall West Midlands Branch in their fundraising efforts for Type 1 Diabetes. Together, they can make a positive impact and help pave the way towards a brighter future for those living with this condition.

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