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National Inspire Award for Fundraising

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Fact Checked By: Editorial Team

Editorial Process: Our diabetes experts check each product for every occasion. This review process is independent of the company, and we always look to provide an unbiased assessment of the products in question – read our complete editorial process here.


On Wednesday 5th July Michael Lewis Foundation was awarded the National Inspire award for fundraising, this award recognises the key values we set down when we launched the foundation in March 2016, to raise awareness and funds for Diabetes UK bringing together fantastic friends, family and colleagues that Michael and all involved hold close to our hearts.

The award honours each and every one that has been involved no matter how big a part you have played.

We are very humbled and conscious that none of the fantastic work the foundation has done so far would have been possible without your support and Mike’s inspirational personality that continues to drive us on.

A huge Thank You #LIVELIKEMIKE

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