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Tom Griffin’s 10k Challenges

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Tom Griffin, like many others, has taken up running as a hobby and a way to keep fit. However, he has gone one step further and used his passion to make a difference in the world. He has committed himself to running a series of 10k races throughout the year to raise money for the Michael Lewis Foundation.

The Michael Lewis Foundation is a charity that is close to Tom’s heart. It is named after Michael Lewis, who was a friend of Tom’s and sadly passed away from Type 1 Diabetes. The foundation aims to raise awareness and funds for type 1 diabetes research, as well as support those affected by the disease.

Tom recently completed the first of these 10k runs, the Shenstone 10k, and he did so in impressive style. Not only did he complete the race, but he also achieved his personal best time, making the event even more special.

Tom’s dedication to this cause is admirable, and we should all take inspiration from his commitment to making a difference. It can be easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget about the struggles of others, but it is essential to remember that we can all make a positive impact in some way.

By taking part in these races, Tom is not only raising money for a good cause, but he is also raising awareness about the importance of cancer research. With his personal best time in the Shenstone 10k, Tom has set the bar high for his future races, and we do not doubt that he will continue to push himself to achieve his goals.

We wish Tom all the best for his next race, and we encourage others to follow in his footsteps and find ways to use their hobbies and passions to make a positive impact in the world.

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